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19 September 2024
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM ET

Legal Empowerment in Action: Addressing Statelessness in the U.S. By Building Power & Community

Events HRD's

Hosted by the NYU Law Bernstein Institute & United Stateless, this panel highlights innovative approaches and success stories in empowering the U.S. stateless community through advocacy, community building, trauma-informed resiliency and legal empowerment.

Location: NYU School of Law


  • Karina Ambartsoumian-Clough, United Stateless: Gain firsthand insights from those impacted by statelessness who are leading advocacy efforts.
  • Leora Hudak, Center for Victims of Torture: Learn about trauma-informed care and support from a leading expert.
  • Martin Dunn, Blue Sky Social Justice Fund: Discover innovative funding strategies and support for social justice initiatives.
  • Sukti Dhital, Bernstein Institute for Human Rights at NYU Law: An experienced advocate for human rights and legal empowerment, bringing knowledge and passion for social justice.

Statelessness in the U.S. affects over 200,000 people from more than 30 different territories and countries. These individuals face limited access to identity documents, heightened susceptibility to human trafficking, prolonged detention, inadequate legal representation, prolonged family separation, and no pathway to U.S. citizenship while lacking the ability to leave the country legally and settle elsewhere. The event will highlight innovative approaches to overcoming these challenges and building resilient communities.

This event promises to inspire and equip attendees with innovative strategies to foster community-led advocacy and social justice.


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