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18 October 2022
16:00-17:30 CET | 14:00-15:30 UTC | 10:00-11:30 ET

Online conversation: Seizing the Moment to Norm Multiyear, Flexible Funding: A Conversation on Obstacles and Accelerators

Events Funding Ecosystem
Hosted by EDGE Funders and Ariadne with MilwayPlus, Fondo Semillas, Ford Foundation and Foundation for a Just Society & their grantee partner Initiative Pananetugri pour le Bien Etre de la Femme to examine barriers and accelerators to multiyear, flexible grantmaking.

Interpretation to/from English and French will be offered.

Over the course of the pandemic, more than 60 percent of foundations loosened restrictions and lightened reporting for grants. Now is the time to normalize these good practices across the sector to ensure that civil society organizations & social movements are not deprived of the resources they need.

To support this shift, in October–November 2021 MilwayPLUS interviewed, surveyed, and conducted focus groups with 30 global funders and nonprofits that had significantly increased their percentage of multiyear, flexible funding over the past decade. They surfaced five common barriers to making the shift and five effective accelerators of change which were adapted to a multi-year flexible funding toolkit.

We encourage you to download and look through the “Barriers and Accelerators” toolkit on which will largely guide our conversation, an overview will be offered at the beginning of the conversation.

Speakers and Moderators

Bakyono Ezoma Juliette Nathalie (IPBF)

Juliette is a sociologist, teacher-researcher at the Institut Universitaire de Formations Initiale et Continue (IUFIC) – Université Thomas SANKARA in Burkina Faso. As a human rights activist, she is interested in the issue of empowerment and transformational leadership among girls and young women within the Initiative Pananetugri pour le Bien Etre de la Femme(IPBF), she serves as a co-founding member and president.

Katie Milway (MilwayPlus)

Katie is the founder and principal of MilwayPLUS, she brings expertise in strategy, research, communications, and social impact to help organizations and movements develop insights, influence debate, and campaign for change. She has a background in journalism, nonprofit management, strategy consulting and governance, and is a frequent speaker at convenings on research-related themes.

Rosalie Nezien (FJS)

Rosalie is currently the Program Officer for Francophone Africa at Foundation for a Just Society(FJS). She is a passionate advocate for human rights, gender justice and Black feminists in all their diversity. She has extensive experience working in philanthropy and international development. She has been engaged in grantmaking, philanthropic advocacy and the accompaniment of feminist groups and movements in Africa for over ten years.

Shireen Zaman (Ford Foundation)

Shireen is a program officer on the BUILD team at the Ford Foundation, working to advance the foundation’s efforts to support & develop stronger, sustainable, and more effective social justice organizations & networks across the globe. Shireen has more than two decades of experience in the philanthropic and nonprofit sector, spearheading organizational transformation, resource development, and program management.
Tania Turner (Fondo Semillas)

Tania is a Board member of Human Rights Funders Network, EDGE Funders and Empower. In Fondo Semillas she has served as an external advisor, Analysis Coordinator, Head of Programs, and now as co-Executive Director. She worked as a Monitoring and Evaluation Analyst at Freedom House, Mexico, and as a consultant in INSAD. She has participated in research teams on labor rights, migration, new technologies and systems theory.
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