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21 September 2022

Women Land Defenders on the Frontlines of Biodiversity Protection and Climate Action

Events Climate Justice

Hosted by Women Earth and Climate Action Network (WECAN)

During this event Indigenous and frontline leaders, and global advocates will highlight the challenges women face as land defenders, and also address securing human and Indigenous rights and how women are working to protect the global climate and diverse ecosystems in challenging political and economic contexts.

Speakers Include: Patricia Gualinga (Kichwa), Indigenous Leader and Spokeswoman, Mujeres Amazónicas Defensoras de la Selva, Ecuador; Lucy Mulenkei (Maasai), Executive Director, Indigenous Information Network, Kenya; Ozawa Bineshi Albert, Climate Justice Alliance Co-Executive Director, Turtle Island; Xiye Bastida (Otomi-Toltec), Co-founder and Board, Re-earth Initiative, Turtle Island; Comments and moderation by Osprey Orielle Lake, WECAN Executive Director.

To respect elders and immuno-compromised persons, masks are required for in-person events. Thank you for your understanding.

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