AGAG’s Final Convening – “Footprints of Our Legacy”
Hosted by Africa Grantmakers’ Affinity Group
Location: Maslow Hotel Sandton in Johannesburg, South Africa
Theme: “Footprints of Their Legacy”
Reflecting on the saying that “one’s legacy is the impact they have made on others,” the discussions will delve into the footprints of AGAG’s work over two decades against the backdrop of the broader philanthropy landscapes. The discussions will explore how AGAG’s emergence and evolution reflected changes in American private funding interests in Africa. By using excerpts from interviews with grantmaking practitioners, the examination will focus on how AGAG’s people-centered approach shaped its reputation as a forum for both new and experienced practitioners, and a space where assumptions, power dynamics, and narratives about Africa were challenged. However, the focus will not solely be on looking back. In reflecting on the footprints left behind, there will be a collective envisioning of the footprints meant to be left for the next generation.
“Footprints of Their Legacy” promises to offer a distinctive opportunity for grantmaking practitioners and others who are part of the philanthropy landscape to come together. This occasion stands as a tribute to AGAG’s two decades of work, while also serving as an acknowledgment and celebration of the individual and collective efforts that brought AGAG to fruition.
Don’t miss the opportunity to be a part of this event!