Building Collective Futures: Economic Systems that Work for All!
Hosted by Thousand Currents
Thousand Currents will be hosting a conversation on the power and possibilities of solidarity economies. This webinar will feature a moderated discussion between Jorge Santiago, Nwamaka Agbo, and Solomé Lemma about the history, principles, and practices of political and economic solidarity. We invite you to deepen your reflections on the individual and collective actions that move us toward building economic systems that make the equitable distribution of goods possible.
In this conversation we will be holding a reading and giveaway of Jorge Santiago’s new book, Political Solidarity Economy. Solidarity economies are built from practice. As we move towards embodying collective practices of solidarity and restorative economics, we invite you to come with questions and reflections on the steps you can take towards creating our future economy.
Jorge Santiago used to lead one of our oldest grassroots partners, DESMI, in Chiapas, Mexico, and has just released a new book called Political Solidarity Economy based on decades of experience accompanying Indigenous communities in Chiapas. Nwamaka Agbo, is our Board Chair and one of the leaders on restorative economics in the U.S.
This webinar is co-sponsored by the EDGE Funders Alliance.