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08 June 2023
11:00 AM PT | 6:00 PM UTC | 2:00 PM ET

Survivor and community-led response: Putting people first in a crisis

Events Funding Ecosystem

This webinar is co-sponsored by Giving CompassAlliance MagazineUnited Philanthropy Forum, PEAK Grantmaking and Human Rights Funders Network (HRFN).

In times of disasters, it is essential for the affected communities and residents themselves to lead relief, response and recovery efforts.

During this webinar, panelists will discuss survivor and community-led response (sclr) as a critical framework that funders can use to effectively support grassroots-driven mitigation, preparedness and rebuilding after a sudden onset disaster or protracted crisis.

According to Local 2 Global Protection, a distinctive feature of sclr is the use of microgrants “to transfer power and resources to existing and emergent self-help groups and organisations that mobilise during every crisis, allowing for the rapid provision of additional assistance to scale up interventions and increase their impact.”

At the end of the webinar, grantmakers will:

  1. Understand the principles of survivor and community-led response.
  2. Increase their awareness of sclr activities and the impact of funding these initiatives.
  3. Learn when and how to invest in sclr after disasters.

While primarily aimed at funders, it may also interest emergency managers, government staff, academics, disaster responders and non-governmental organization staff interested in or working on disasters and other crises.

While primarily aimed at funders, it may also be of interest to emergency managers, academics, disaster responders and NGO staff interested in or working on disasters and other crises.

Register now

Tanya Gulliver-Garcia, CDP director of learning and partnerships, will moderate the discussion.


Automatic closed captioning will be available via Zoom during the webinar. The webinar will be recorded and posted on this page. We will email the link to the fully captioned recording to everyone who registered.

CDP is striving to increase the accessibility of its webinars. Please email Katie Huang and let them know what accommodations you need by June 1; they will do our best to meet your needs as feasible.

Photo credit: Hayata Destek Derneği | Support to Life

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