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23 May 2023
2:00 PM - 3:30 PM UTC | 7:00 AM - 8:30 AM PT | 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM EST

Resourcing Black Feminist Organizing in Latin America and the Caribbean

Events Funding Ecosystem

Co-organized by the Foundation for a Just Society (FJS), the Wellspring Philanthropic Fund, and the Black Feminist Fund

Join the online event celebrating the launch of The event will feature a discussion of the research and recommendations for the donor community. Here are some general findings that will be presented during the event:

  • Black feminist organizations in Latin America and the Caribbean are doing powerful work to advance human rights and social justice.These organizations are part of various movements and cover all issues relevant to philanthropy, from climate change to democracy and gender justice.

  • While the landscape is changing rapidly, both public and private philanthropy have largely overlooked Black feminist movements in the region.Direct financial support for black women-led organizations is scarce. Fortunately, many funders have expressed interest in deepening their support for these movements.

  • There are many unexplored opportunities to strengthen the funding ecosystem for Black feminist movements.There is an entry point for all types of funders including those that support feminist movements, those that support specific regions, or those that are focused on a particular issue.

The event will feature poetry and music and include a conversation between:

  • Hakima Abbas,Black Feminist Fund

  • Jeannette Tineo Durán,Principal Investigator of the Mapping of Black Feminist Movements in Abya Yala

  • mónica enríquez-enríquez,Foundation for a Just Society

  • Betsy Hoody,Wellspring Philanthropic Fund

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