HRFN engages a wide range of foundations and individual grantmaking practitioners. This list includes HRFN’s current and recent members. Current dues payment status is available here.
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- 11th Hour Project
- Access Now
- African Women’s Development Fund
- American Jewish World Service
- Änderwerk gGmbH
- Arcus Foundation
- Article Group
- Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice
- Bulgarian Fund for Women
- CarEth Foundation
- CASA Socio-Environmental Fund
- Channel Foundation
- Children’s Rights Innovation Fund
- Chino Cienega Foundation
- Christensen Fund
- Coalition for Human Rights in Development
- Connecting Communities in the Americas
- David and Lucile Packard Foundation
- Disability Rights Fund
- Dunn Family Charitable Foundation
- ELAS Fundo de Investimento Social
- Emerger Fondo Socioambiental Colombia
- EMpower-The Emerging Markets Foundation
- Equality Fund
- Equitas- ACTIF Fund
- Euro-Mediterranean Foundation of Support Human Rights Defenders
- Firelight Foundation
- Fondo Centroamericano de Mujeres
- Fondo de Mujeres del Sur
- Fondo Defensores
- Fondo Semillas
- Fonds pour les Femmes Congolaises
- Ford Foundation
- Foundation for a Just Society
- Freedom Fund
- Freedom House
- FRIDA- The Young Feminist Fund
- Front Line Defenders
- Fund for Global Human Rights
- Fundación Avina
- Fundacion de Mujeres en Puerto Rico
- Funders Organized for Rights in the Global Economy
- Global Dialogue
- Global Fund for Children
- Global Fund for Community Foundations
- Global Fund for Women
- Global Greengrants Fund
- Grassroots International
- Hindus for Human Rights
- Hivos
- Horizons Foundation
- Humanity United
- ING Foundation
- Instituto Betty e Jacob Lafer
- International Freedom of Expression Exchange
- Jacob Blaustein Institute for the Advancement of Human Rights
- Libra Foundation
- Linksbridge Foundation
- Lynne Handleman Charitable Foundation
- Mama Cash
- Mongolian Women’s Fund
- Neelan Tiruchelvam Trust
- Numun Fund
- Oak Foundation
- Open Society Foundations
- Pacific Feminist Fund
- Panta Rhea Foundation
- Purposeful
- Quaker-Hilfe Stiftung
- Reichstein Foundation
- Rockefeller Brothers Fund
- SAGE Fund
- Seattle Foundation
- Semia Fondo delle Donne Ente Filantropico
- Sigrid Rausing Trust
- Summit Foundation
- Thousand Currents
- UHAI- The East African Sexual Health and Rights Initiative
- Unitarian Universalist Holdeen India Program
- Unitarian Universalist Service Committee
- Urgent Action Fund – Africa
- Urgent Action Fund – Asia and Pacific
- Urgent Action Fund – Latin America and the Caribbean
- Urgent Action Fund for Women’s Human Rights
- VidaAfrolatina
- W.K. Kellogg Foundation
- Wellspring Philanthropic Fund
- William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
- Women’s Fund Armenia
- Women’s Fund Asia
- Women’s Fund in Georgia
- WomenStrong