Moving Forward: from principles to action
Human Rights Grantmaking Principles: This six- part workshop series for funders and human rights activists and organizations dive into our grantmaking principles, jointly exploring how we can apply them in practice.
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See a visual harvest illustrating the discussion. View the meeting materials.
Please join us on Tuesday, March 23 for the final workshop of our six-part series to explore principles to guide bold and just philanthropy. The series is open to funders, human rights organizations, and activists, and is a collaboration of Ariadne, Philanthropy Advancing Women’s Human Rights (PAWHR), and Human Rights Funders Network (HRFN). Please register by March 17 to confirm your language/accessibility needs. To get the most from the conversation, please read the principles ahead.
Acompáñanos el martes, 23 de marzo para la final taller de nuestra serie de seis partes para explorar los principios que puedan guiar una filantropía audaz y justa. Esta serie está abierta a financiadorxs, organizaciones de derechos humanos y activistas, y es una colaboración de Ariadne, Philanthropy Advancing Women’s Human Rights (PAWHR) y Human Rights Funders Network (HRFN). Regístrese antes del 17 de marzo para confirmar sus necesidades de idioma / accesibilidad. Para aprovechar al máximo la conversación, lea los principios de antemano.
Nous vous invitons à nous rejoindre mardi 23 mars pour l’atelier final de notre série en six parties pour explorer les principes pour guider une philanthropie juste et audacieuse. Cette série d’ateliers est destinée aux bailleurs de fonds privés et aux activistes et organisations pour les droits humains. Elle est le fruit d’une collaboration entre Ariadne, Philanthropy Advancing Women’s Human Rights (PAWHR), et Human Rights Funders Network (HRFN). Veuillez vous inscrire avant le 17 mars pour confirmer vos besoins linguistiques / d’accessibilité. Pour tirer le meilleur parti de la conversation, veuillez lire les principes au préalable.
Access all other workshops below:
- Workshop 1: Why these principles and why now?
Tuesday, October 20 - Workshop 2: Power Sharing and Shifting│Community Driven
Tuesday, November 17 - Workshop 3: Equity
Tuesday, December 8 - Workshop 4: Accountability│Adaptability and Learning
Tuesday, January 19 - Workshop 5: Collective Care
Tuesday, February 16 - Workshop 6: Moving forward: From principles to action
Tuesday, March 23