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14 April 2022
10:00-11:00 AM PST | 1:00- 2:00 PM EDT

Philanthropy-Serving Organization Members and Humanitarian Crises

Events Funding Ecosystem

Hosted by United Philanthropy Forum

The current conflict in Ukraine brings to light the role that PSOs and their foundation members play during times of Complex Humanitarian Crisis. Join guests from Center for Disaster Philanthropy along with Forum members Peace & Security Funders and Human Rights Funders Network to discuss the current situation and explore questions around how philanthropy can consistently and equitably respond to such crises as they occur globally and the roles for PSOs and our network.


Kellea Miller

Deputy Executive Director

Human Rights Funders Network

Regine A. Webster

Vice President

Center for Disaster Philanthropy

Alexandra Toma

Executive Director

Peace and Security Funders

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