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22 April 2021
8:00am EST | 12:00pm GMT | 5:30pm IST | 8:00pm CST

LitTalks: Resisting Authoritarianism in Asia

Events Closing Civic Space HRD's

Event organized by Human Rights Funders Network (HRFN)

LitTalks: Global Politics & Philanthropy: This six-part series delves into critical issues in global politics and human rights, and how philanthropy can support movements around the world. Learn more about the other sessions below.

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Massive mobilizations for human rights are standing strong across the Asia region: from the months-long farmers’ strike across India to the anti-government, anti-monarchy student movements flooding the streets in Thailand. The resistance movements defying the military coup in Myanmar are the most recent example of the pressing fight for human rights.

At the same time, new challenges are emerging. How are issues of the climate crisis, digital rights and online surveillance, authoritarian rules, economic growth and COVID-19 shaping the landscape for human rights organizing in the region? What role does China play as a growing regional and global power and what will the new United States administration’s agenda look like in this context?

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Series Information

The outcome of the U.S. elections raises high expectations about the future of multilateralism, global democracy, environmental protection and human rights. The global problems and challenges are complex and will require political, economic, social and philanthropic commitment of all states and societies.

In this series, we’re bringing political thinkers from each region together to unpack American global agendas. We’re looking beyond borders and working to understand the distinct legacies and interconnections to answer one key question: what can we expect in the wake of the latest U.S. elections? These discussions will reveal the invisible impacts of our interconnected economies, lives, and realities. It’s time to debrief and focus on the lived experiences, understanding, resistance, and narrative of the global community.

Access other sessions below:

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