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Principes de Financement Basés sur les Droits Humains

Ces principes visent à aider les bailleurs de fonds privés à aligner leurs pratiques de financement sur les valeurs des droits humains. Ils ont été élaborés par Ariadne – Donateurs Européens pour le Changement Social et les Droits Humains, Le Réseau de Fondations pour les Droits Humains et Gender Funders CoLab en consultation avec nos membres, des réseaux de financeurs privés, et des représentants d’organisations de la société civile qui reçoivent des subventions pour les droits humains.

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Los Principios de la Concesión de Apoyos en el Área de los Derechos Humanos

Estos principios ayudan a lxs financiadorxs a alinear sus prácticas de concesión de apoyos con los valores de los derechos humanos. Fueron desarrollados por Ariadne – Donantes Europeos para el Cambio Social y los Derechos Humanos, Red de Donantes para los Derechos Humanos y Gender Funders CoLab en consulta con nuestrxs miembrxs, redes de financiadorxs pares y representantes de organizaciones de la sociedad civil que reciben fondos para los derechos humanos.

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Human Rights Grantmaking Principles

These principles are intended to help funders align their grantmaking practices with human rights values. They were developed by Ariadne–European Funders for Social Change and Human Rights, Human Rights Funders Network (HRFN), and Gender Funders CoLab in consultation with our members, peer funder networks, and representatives from civil society organizations that receive human rights funding.

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Key Elements for Funders to Build a Culture of Crisis Preparedness

Regardless of where you sit in the funding ecosystem, you have most likely faced funding in crisis. From wars to natural disasters to attacks on human rights defenders, most of us will find ourselves at the intersection of the issue(s) we care about and a crisis (e.g., environmental disaster, conflict, acute violence, pandemic) at some point. As we face a wave of intersecting crises, the philanthropic sector must invest now in building a culture of preparedness. Doing so will allow us to proactively anticipate and be ready for changes - both positive and negative - which will put us in a better position to protect lives and safeguard good work. We know we need crisis preparedness strategies, but what does this look like? Where do we begin?

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Reflections on “How intersectional grantmaking can support Sex Workers and other marginalized movements in shrinking civic space”

Sienna, Alexis, and Erin offer reflections on why their Discovery Journey, “How intersectional grantmaking can support Sex Workers and other marginalized movements in shrinking civic space", at the Festival may not have been as well-attended as other sessions and why there continues to be an underserving of sex workers in our global funding ecosystem.

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