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We Need to Change How We Grow Our Food

As COVID-19 spreads worldwide, we’ve become attuned to those on the front lines: Doctors and healthcare workers, yes, but also those who feed us. If we didn’t get it already, this global crisis is a wake-up call for how our collective fate is tied to the way we relate to nature, use the land, and
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(FR) À quoi ressemblent les ressources pour les mouvements sociaux lorsque l’ensemble de l’écosystème est menacé ?

Nous sommes actuellement dans une situation d’incertitude mondiale. En seulement quelques semaines, la propagation du COVID-19 a modifié radicalement l’agencement  de nos  vies, de nos espaces de travail et de notre économie.  Les déficiences de longue date de nos systèmes de soins, de santé et de richesse ont des conséquences dramatiques, notamment pour les personnes dont les modes de vie, les collectivités et les organismes sont les plus à risque.
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Earth Defenders Increasingly Being Killed; Funders Can Step Up!

Urgent Action Fund’s grantee Eva Bande was arrested and sentenced to four years’ imprisonment in May 2014 for participating in a peasant-led action against a national palm oil company in Indonesia. Nilce de Souza was disappeared in January 2016, and found murdered five months later, for her protest against the construction of a hydroelectric dam
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“Situated in the Communities We Exist to Serve”

Human rights donors based in the Global South and East play a critical role, not only in their communities, but in the ways they inform the priorities and approaches of human rights philanthropy. While our Advancing Human Rights research has traditionally highlighted the largest human rights donors (by grant dollars awarded), our latest report also recognizes the top human rights funders based in the Global South and East. We asked foundations on that list, including the Global Fund for Community Foundations (GFCF)
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‘The Commission on Unalienable Rights’ – Words Matter

In December 2011, U.S. Secretary of State Hilary Clinton announced that LGBT rights would be a cornerstone of U.S. foreign policy. Speaking at the Human Rights Council in Geneva, she declared that “LGBT rights are human rights.” In the audience that night, I found myself deeply moved, not just by her words, which I fervently
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Do you have principles? We want to know!

Dear Members, In addition to what funders fund, an important consideration in human rights philanthropy is also how they fund. Do they recognize the power dynamics at play in their grantmaking? Are they funding the communities most affected by injustice and inequality and ensuring they lead the work? Are they transparent and accountable in their decision making? In
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