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Feminist Philanthropy: Stories of Resilience

In this collection of articles from our sister funds from various parts of the world, we would like to share with you our collective feminist struggle, love, and passion for feminist philanthropy. A type of philanthropy that brings changes in our own lives, as well as the lives of our partners around the world.

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Shifting Power and Resources to Grassroots Movements: Findings from consultations with activists and funders

This consultation is an attempt to move conversations forward at a practical level, exploring options that, pulled together, could help start a radical transformation in the range and quality of resources accessible to grassroots groups. As well as sense-checking the relevance, appeal and feasibility of emerging concepts, the process itself has been significant. These early explorations have directly engaged the groups that we seek to better resource, including a cross-section of grassroots activists, the financial arms of social movements and other strategic partners. This document is a distillation of our findings and learnings.

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Trust-Based Philanthropy Project

The Trust-Based Philanthropy Project is a five-year initiative (2020-2024) that provides funders and grantmaking practitioners with the tools, frameworks, and community spaces to deepen their work of creating a more equitable and impactful philanthropic sector. This is a link to their resources page.

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Trust the People

Centering equity in funding relationships requires trust. It also takes time, resources, and a willingness to shift power to the people closest to the problem.

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Power Moves: Your essential philanthropy assessment guide for equity and justice

This suite of self-assessment resources...helps funders like you respond to the current moment of social foment and the enduring drive for long-overdue justice by exploring your own power. It complements and builds on other important equitable grantmaking resources so that you can solicit feedback and engage in a reflective assessment process that increases the likelihood of success.

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Princípios de Direitos Humanos nas Concessões de Doações

Esses princípios têm como objetivo ajudar financiadores/as a alinhar suas práticas de Concessão de Doações¹ com valores de direitos humanos. Foram desenvolvidos por Ariadne - Financiadores Europeus para Mudança Social e Direitos Humanos, pela Rede de Financiadores de Direitos Humanos (HRFN)², e pela organização Gender Funders CoLab em consulta com nossos membros, redes de financiadores/as parceiros/as e representantes de organizações da sociedade civil que recebem financiamento de direitos humanos.

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I Principi di Grantmaking per i Diritti Umani

Questi principi hanno lo scopo di aiutare fondazioni, enti filantropici e donatori ad allineare le loro pratiche di supporto con i valori dei diritti umani. Sono stati sviluppati da Ariadne - European Funders for Social Change and Human Rights, Human Rights Funders Network (HRFN), e Gender Funders CoLab e sono frutto di un processo di consultazione con i membri delle rispettive organizzazioni, network di supporto alla filantropia, e rappresentanti delle organizzazioni della società civile che ricevono finanziamenti per promuovere e proteggere diritti umani.

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Grundsätze der Menschenrechtsförderung

Diese Grundsätze sollen geldgebende Institutionen und Personen dabei unterstützen, ihre Förderpraktiken an menschenrechtsbasierten Werten auszurichten. Sie wurden von Ariadne - European Funders for Social Change and Human Rights, dem Human Rights Funders Network (HRFN) und Gender Funders CoLab in Zusammenarbeit mit unseren Mitgliedern, Peer-Funder-Netzwerken und Vertreter*innen zivilgesellschaftlicher Organisationen, die Menschenrechtsförderung erhalten, entwickelt.

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