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What is a rights-based approach to ageing?

Human rights must be at the heart of policy work on ageing. But how do we apply this approach in practice? AGE Platform Europe, the voice of older people in Europe, published a one-pager to those willing to start exploring…

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The ethics of resource mobilisation: Confronting the discomfort

It is no mystery to those of us in international human rights philanthropy that the mobilization of resources to support social movement and grassroots organizing involves uncomfortable contradictions we have to deal with. We often need to access resources where they are most available in order to provide support. This tends to be in sources

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Human Rights Funding Principles Offer a Road Map to Strengthen Philanthropy

When I think back to the first time I had the chance to meet with a program officer about a funding application from a well-known New York-headquartered human rights foundation in 1998, I can easily recall the pit in my stomach—I dressed in my best shoulder-padded suit (no judgment) for the meeting. To obtain a grant would be the holy grail; the small global network of frontline youth human rights activists I coordinated would either reach the next level of development or teeter on the brink of closure. 

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They’re Here! | The Human Rights Grantmaking Principles

Last year, HRFN, in collaboration with Ariadne and PAWHR set up a funders advisory committee and embarked on a journey to identify guiding principles for human rights grantmaking. For us, this journey meant that we had to be introspective and honest with ourselves about what it means to be

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UAF Launches the Beirut Crisis Fund

“We only have each other. Only the people save the people.” – Paola Salwan – Lebanese Author In the aftermath of the Beirut explosion, “one of the most powerful explosions in history”, the Urgent Action Fund has launched the Beirut Crisis Fund to aid the women and trans activists working on the frontlines in Lebanon. Now

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$3 million initiative launched to expand civic space in Latin America

This article was written and published by CANDID Fundación Avina, Luminate, and the Open Society Foundations have announced the launch of a $3 million initiative to protect civic space and democratic governance in Latin America. To be coordinated by Fundación Avina, the Pulsante initiative will fund rapid-response campaigns focused on achieving specific, time-sensitive victories that protect

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