HRFN’s Global Conference
Funding Futures Festival
24-26 April 2024
Tbilisi, Georgia
HRFN’s Festival is open to all HRFN members, funders, and individuals whose work focuses on resourcing human rights movements. Check here to see if your organization’s membership is up to date.
We will capture information during registration to support participation across languages, ability, and other needs, such as childcare and dietary restrictions.
Please note that HRFN’s Festival is a place to strategize and strengthen global funding for human rights. This is a non-solicitation space.
We are SOLD OUT. Thank you for your interest in attending the Funding Futures Festival 2024. All tickets are currently sold out.
Regular Rate (1 January – 22 March 2024/When Tickets Run Out)
- Members: $900 USD per person – Tickets SOLD OUT
- Rate for HRFN members. Click here to see if your organization is a member and your membership is current.
- Non-members: $1,300 USD per person – Tickets SOLD OUT
- Rate for organizations who are not HRFN members and are dedicated to resourcing human rights movements. Become an HRFN member to get the member rate.
Solidarity Rate: $300 USD – Tickets SOLD OUT
For individuals from philanthropic organizations who could otherwise not afford to attend. They must meet one of the following criteria:
- Organizations based in the Global South and East with budgets under USD 250,000 USD.
- New and emergent funds (less than three years old) with limited resources.
HRFN is committed to building a global gathering with voices from across issues and geographies. We have a limited number of scholarships available for funders from the Global South and East who would not otherwise be able to attend. For more information or to apply, please fill this form.
Registration Discount for Ariadne’s 2024 Annual Reconnect and HRFN’s Festival
Ariadne’s 2024 Annual Reconnect and HRFN Festival are separate events.
Members who wish to attend both Ariadne’s 2024 Annual Reconnect and HRFN’s Festival will receive a discount code ($100 USD) at the time of registration. Attendees will need to register for each event separately.
To obtain and apply the discount follow these steps.
- Register for either the HRFN’s Festival or Ariadne’s Annual Reconnect.
- After registering, you will receive a confirmation message, including a discount code. Enter the discount code when you register for the second conference.
For example, if you register for the HRFN’s Festival first, you will receive the discount code in your confirmation message from HRFN. Apply the discount code when registering for Ariadne’s 2024 Annual Reconnect. Please see our FAQ for more information.