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13 November 2023
The 'Funding Resilience Learning and Codesign Lab Series' were hosted over 13-16 November. This event page contains more information on the 'Early Warning Systems' Lab hosted on 13 November 2023.

Early Warning Systems: Learning Labs Week

Events Funding Ecosystem

Learning Lab: Early Warning Systems


Monday 13th November
8am PST / 11am ET / 4pm UTC / 5pm CET / 11pm ICT 

As part of HRFN’s Better Preparedness: Funding Resilience initiative, our Learning Labs Week brought together a powerful set of thought leaders to address the challenges facing human rights actors in crisis and closing civic space. 

How do we move money where it’s needed most? As funders, what kind of early warning systems could help us be better prepared for crises? From technology enabled, community-powered networks to humanitarian synthesis reports, what kinds of early warning systems could help us ring the alarm for human rights crises and take early, coordinated action?

During the HRFN ‘Early Warning Systems’ Learning Lab, we heard from leaders to know more about early warning systems that could help philanthropy take early, coordinated action around human rights crises, and considered as a community how we can apply their insights to improve the coordination of funding for civil society facing acute human rights crises and entrenched civic space challenges.

HRFN Early Warning Systems Learning Lab


  1. Isabelle Arradon, Head of Research, Crisis Group
  2. Ryan Schlief, Executive Director, International Accountability Project
  3. Sofia Marcia, Programs and Grantmaking Co-Director, Urgent Action Fund- Latin America and the Caribbean
  4. Jeremy Springman, Senior Research Associate, DevLab, University of Pennsylvania

Watch the recording of the learning lab here.

See resources here.

You can also read out more about other Learning Lab sessions on legal and banking solutions, decolonizing grantmaking, and tech, AI and human rights.

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